Finals week is a stressful time for many of our students, but on a sunny Friday in May, the community puts studying aside for a few hours of food, games, music, and more at the MIT Day of Play.
On a quiet Sunday afternoon, unsuspecting MIT community members strolled down Vassar Street by Simmons Hall. As they looked into its dining hall windows, it was not snacking students they saw, but rather a crowd dressed in pastel tutus, feather boas, and propeller hats.
Through taking the Intro to Bootcamp for Athletes Physical Education course, Bryan Chen ‘19 found himself consistently pushing past his limits by setting and achieving new fitness goals.
Running through obstacle courses? Climbing up walls? Twin sisters Rachel and Carissa Skye ‘19 never thought they’d be able to do these activities at MIT while earning Physical Education credits, but they were given the opportunity to do so through Parkour.
The 2016–17 fall and winter athletic seasons proved highly successful for the MIT Engineers as teams, coaches, and students alike earned numerous awards and honors.
Micayla Flores is a sophomore at MIT, and has played basketball since she was seven years old. She spent her freshman year playing for the MIT varsity basketball team, until an injury prevented her from continuing. Her sister, Hayley, is just beginning her freshman year..