Summer Information

Hello, summer.

Whether you’re looking to live on campus during the summer, or just need a few extra days after the spring term to prepare for the trip home, you’ve come to the right place!

Click on an icon above for additional information. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Housing & Residential Services.

Oh, and by the way, don’t forget to take time to care for yourself!

MIT’s campus continues to be a vibrant living and learning environment during the summer months. It comes as no surprise that many undergraduate students take full advantage of the on-campus summer housing experience.

Below, please find information regarding summer housing at MIT, including housing eligibility information. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to a member of our team

Summer housing is available to fully-enrolled MIT undergraduate students* who will maintain enrollment at the Institute this upcoming fall (including within graduate degree programs) and who:

  • Are participating in academic department or summer programs such as the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP);
  • Have jobs or internships in the Boston-Cambridge area related to their field of study at MIT; or
  • Require on-campus housing while transitioning to a summer conference group.

Please note that students who, during the summer, become ineligible for fall registration must move out of their summer assignment upon notification of their change in status.

*Wellesley undergraduates and visiting/cross-registered undergraduate students are eligible for summer housing if they are taking courses at MIT. If a Wellesley student is interested in Summer Housing at MIT, please complete the Wellesley Application Form

Current On-Campus Residents

  • For students who have a current on-campus spring assignment and are planning to return to on-campus housing in the fall semester, summer housing begins immediately after the last day of finals and is continuous through fall Registration Day (approximately 15 weeks).

Current Off-Campus Residents

  • Students who do not have a current spring term assignment will move into their summer assignment on a designated move-in date in either May or June. Summer residents without fall on-campus housing assignments must move out of their summer assignment no later than 12:00pm (Noon) ET on Friday, August 2, 2024. Students with summer housing assignments will receive specific guidance from Housing & Residential Services via email regarding their move dates.

Please visit our Dates & Deadlines page for additional information regarding specific summer housing dates, including the application period.


Summer housing assignments are made according to a lottery process. Students who submit a completed application within the Housing Portal by Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 12:00pm (Noon) ET will be entered into the lottery. If you are an eligible Wellesley student who is interested in Summer Housing at MIT, please complete the Wellesley Application Form

  • Results of the summer housing lottery will be shared via email on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

  • Specific room assignments will be shared via email, updated date, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, after 4:00 pm ET.

Students who are unsuccessful at receiving a summer housing assignment through the lottery, as well as students who apply after the above deadline, will be placed on the Summer Housing Waiting List. If you are placed on the Waiting List, please keep in mind that assignments will be made on a space available basis. We are unable to guarantee a summer housing assignment. 


Students often ask about the likelihood of receiving a summer housing assignment. While we are typically able to accommodate most students who apply for on-campus housing, we cannot guarantee a placement through the lottery process because demand for summer housing varies each year. If you are unsuccessful at receiving a summer housing assignment, please see the information below about on-campus sublicensing opportunities within graduate housing.

Please find summer housing locations and rates listed within the grid below. Residence halls used for summer housing vary each year depending on summer programming, as well as building maintenance schedules. Please know that summer housing is billed at a flat rate per residence hall and proration is unavailable. 

2024 Summer Housing Residence Halls & Rates
MacGregor House (Bldg. W61)$4,513.00
Next House (Bldg. W71)$4,513.00
Random Hall (Bldg. NW61)$4,064.00

If you submit the Summer Housing Application, please be aware of the following Cancellation Policy if you decide to cancel your summer housing request within your Housing Portal (Wellesley students please complete the Wellesley Cancellation Form):

  • Students who cancel their summer housing request by Friday, May 10, 2024, will not be charged a cancellation fee.

  • Students who cancel their summer housing request between Saturday, May 11, 2024 and Friday, May 17, 2024, will be assessed a $250 cancellation fee.

  • Students who cancel their summer housing request after Friday, May 17, 2024, will be charged a $250 cancellation fee, a $595 late stay fee, and will be responsible for the full cost of their summer housing assignment. As a reminder, summer housing is billed at a flat rate according to residence hall and proration is not available.

Moving In

Transitioning Into Your Summer Housing Assignment

  • Current on-campus residents will move from their spring assignment to their summer assignment on Sunday, May 26, 2024. Some spaces may be available earlier, so we ask that you also please be prepared to move on either Saturday, May 25 or Sunday, May 26, 2024. Housing & Residential Services will email information to all summer residents with their specific move dates and transition details. Students are expected to move on the date stated within the email.
    • Students must be present on campus during the move period. 

    • Failure to move on the assigned move date of May 25 or May 26, 2024 will result in revocation of summer housing and a possible $595 late checkout charge. 

    • All residents are expected to complete their move on their scheduled move date. 

  • Students who do not have a current spring term assignment will move into their summer assignment on a designated move-in date in either May or June. Students with summer housing assignments will receive specific guidance from Housing & Residential Services via email regarding their move dates.

Moving Out

Transitioning Into Your Fall Housing Assignment

  • If you will be living in an on-campus undergraduate residence hall during the Fall 2024 term, you will move to your Fall 2024 housing assignment on August 6, 2024.
  • Failure to move on your assigned move date may result in a possible $595 late checkout charge. 
  • If you will not be living on campus during Fall 2024 term, you must check out of your summer assignment by 12:00pm (Noon) ET on Friday, August 2, 2024.

Please note that failure to move by these dates may result in a housing fee or penalty. If you are traveling during the move period, or if you would like to move out of your summer housing assignment early, please take all personal belongings with you prior to your departure. As a reminder, the summer housing rate cannot be prorated. If you require storage assistance, please visit our off-campus storage website.

Will my room be furnished? 

  • Yes. All summer housing assignments come furnished. This typically includes:
    • extra long twin bed and mattress (39" x 80")
    • bureau
    • closet
    • desk and chair
    • bookshelves
    • wastebasket

Will I live with a roommate during the summer? 

  • No. Summer residents will live in single housing assignments.

Are campus dining halls open during the summer?

Will I be able to cook within my summer residence hall?

  • Yes. Residents will have access to in-house shared kitchen areas to cook meals and to store perishable items within shared refrigerators.

Will there be air conditioning? 

  • Likely not. The majority of our on-campus undergraduate residence halls are not equipped with full-building air conditioning systems If air conditioning is available, this will be noted in the summer housing options. Summer residents are welcome to bring fans as well as in-unit air conditioning devices. Please connect with the House Operations Manager for your summer housing assignment for further guidance.

Yes. Members of the MIT community are welcome to participate in the summer sublicensing program within on-campus graduate housing. 

The program allows current residents of graduate housing to sublicense their housing assignment during the summer to members of the MIT community. Residents will advertise and arrange sublicensing through the website linked below.

Additional information about sublicensing is available on the Sublicensing page. Specific dates regarding summer sublicensing are available on the graduate housing Dates & Deadlines webpage.