Excused Absences (OX)


  • The OX grade is appropriate for students who miss a final exam or coursework during the last two weeks of the semester on account of extenuating medical or personal issues, and who have been progressing satisfactorily in the class. 


  • Students should discuss this option with their professor and a dean in Student Support Services. 


  • If the OX is appropriate, the professor will issue an O grade indicating there is missing work, and the dean in S^3 will issue the X allowing the opportunity for the student to complete the missed work.


  • When the work is completed and a final grade is determined, that grade will replace the OX on the transcript.   An O must be converted into an OX before a grade can be assigned.  An O without an X counts as an F the GPA


  • If the student does not complete a subject with an OX, the OX will remain on the record and will not impact GPA.  A student can graduate with an unfinished OX on their transcript as long as it is not a degree requirement.