Academic Extensions
S3 deans help students request academic flexibility (e.g., extension on assignment or exam) when they encounter unexpected circumstances such as:
- Verifiable medical issues
- Verifiable personal issues ( e.g., family, financial, racial inequity, relationship, etc.)
- Emergencies or special circumstances that make it impossible for the student to fulfill his/her academic obligations
A student who thinks they might need academic flexibility, or who has been asked to get academic flexibility from a professor should be in touch with S3. In most cases, the student will be asked to email their professor with the specific request and to CC the S3 dean. The email should include a general description of the problem and a specific request regarding the academics. If part of the student's request is delaying coursework, the email should include a proposal for making up the work. S3 may follow-up with verifying email, but generally only after the student has had an in-person meeting with a dean. In rare instances (e.g., serious emergencies), a dean in S3 will contact professors on behalf of the student.
If a professor has asked for a note to confirm an illness or medical issue, the student should call and/or email the appropriate medical professional at MIT Health or off campus, and give them permission to confirm to S3 the reasons for the student's visit and the date(s) that the student was seen. It is the policy of MIT Health not to write excuse notes for students. S3 will generally verify the medical circumstances prior to sending out documentation.
NOTE: Circumstances that do not fall into these categories (e.g., conflicts with extracurriculars or other scheduled non-academic commitments) should be discussed with a dean by visiting the S3 virtual drop-in queue or making an appointment.