Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
The Mind & Hand Book, the Academic Integrity Handbook, and MIT Policy 10 all describe MIT’s policies related to academic integrity. If you have any questions about these policies, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards for an individual case consultation. We are also available to present to academic departments, classes, student organizations, and other groups on issues related to academic integrity.
The Institute encourages faculty to take responses to academic dishonesty seriously, while also evaluating each case individually for the most appropriate response. In all cases, documenting the outcome with the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards ensures that records of student misconduct are maintained centrally at the Institute, preventing an individual student from committing several instances of academic dishonesty without accountability. We encourage you to check out our tips for faculty (forthcoming) which contains ideas on how to prevent academic dishonesty and additional information on how to respond. For more information on the Institute's academic integrity policies, please consult the Handbook for Academic Integrity and Institute Policy 10.2: Procedures for Dealing with Student Academic Dishonesty.
Below is an outline of the three response options to academic misconduct. If you have questions about these options, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
1. Academic action within the subject or project
Instructors may determine an academic consequence that is appropriate. Examples include redoing the assignment for a reduced grade, failing the project or assignment, a failing grade in the course, and termination of participation in the research project. More serious violations should result in more serious consequences. Faculty members are encouraged to consult their Department Head and the OSCCS for information on precedent.
When an instructor chooses this option, they should submit documentation to the OSCCS in the form of either a letter to file or a formal complaint (outlined below as option 2 or 3). Doing so ensures that a student is held responsible if they have engaged in this pattern of behavior across subjects.
2. Letter to file
Letters to file can be done in conjunction with academic actions within the subject or project.
Letters to file are generally maintained as internal records only. If a student has subsequent alleged violations, letters to file would be reviewed as part of the determination about how the new case would be resolved.
Faculty members are encouraged to use letters to file template (Word document). Submission of supporting documentation is also encouraged. Please send letters and supporting documentation to our office at
3. Committee on Discipline (COD) complaint
A COD complaint can be submitted in conjunction with academic action within the course or action regarding student participation in research.
A COD complaint will be reviewed by the COD Chair and resolved according to COD rules.
You can file a COD complaint.
Please note an instructor may choose more than one option (for example, an instructor may take academic action within the class and submit a faculty letter to file).
How can faculty members work with students to prevent academic integrity concerns?
If a faculty member suspects a violation, how can they best discuss this with the student?
Contact OSCCS for a consultation: OSCCS staff are available to consult with faculty on potential violations of academic integrity policy. We recommend contacting us if you are unsure how to proceed, need a refresher on the process and options, want to discuss how to meet with the student, or need a thought partner about the situation.
Arrange a meeting with the student ASAP: Students suspected of a possible violation should be contacted individually and asked to meet in person. Students should be informed of the potential violation and that they have a right to be accompanied by any other member of the MIT community in the meeting if they wish. Instructors may wish to use our template for informing students of potential violations as a guide - feel free to adjust the language to meet individual styles and voices.
Notify the student in a timely manner: In general, meetings are more productive when they occur shortly after the incident. Further, notifying a student early on can act as an intervention for future behaviors. We do not recommend waiting until the end of the semester as this can cause difficulties for the students, delay grading, impact finals, etc.
Send notifications during business hours if possible: In general, information students may interpret as bad news (like notification of a potential policy violation) should be sent during business hours. In the event that students become emotionally distraught after receiving bad news, it is much easier to connect them with support services on campus during weekdays and during business hours. Sending notices on weekends or after hours should be avoided if possible. If you find you must send a notice after business hours, include information on how the student can access the Dean on Call for support.
Aim for consistency in communication to all involved students: If more than one student is involved in a situation, each individual student should receive separate communications, letters to file, etc. to avoid potential breaches of student privacy. Additionally, communications should be consistent and equitable for each student involved in a situation.
What does an example statement on academic misconduct for a syllabus look like?
See our example below - this can be a helpful starting point for faculty members seeking to add a statement to their syllabi:
MIT’s Academic Integrity policy reads, in part: “MIT anticipates that you will pursue your studies with purpose and integrity. The cornerstone of scholarship in all academic disciplines is honesty. MIT expects that you will approach everything you do here honestly – whether solving a math problem, writing a research or critical paper, or writing an exam” (see complete policy at In this course, I will hold you to the high standard of academic integrity expected of all students at the Institute. I do this for two reasons. First, it is essential to the learning process that you are the one doing the work. I have structured the assignments in this course to enable you to gain a mastery of the course material. Failing to do the work yourself will result in a lesser understanding of the content, and therefore a less meaningful education for you. Second, it is important that there be a level playing field for all students in this course and at the Institute so that the rigor and integrity of the Institute’s educational program is maintained. If society is to view a degree from MIT as meaningful, we must ensure that the work done toward the degrees awarded is honest.
Violating the Academic Integrity policy in any way (e.g., plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, cheating, etc.) will result in official Institute sanction. Possible sanctions include receiving a failing grade on the assignment or exam, being assigned a failing grade in the course, having a formal notation of disciplinary action placed on your MIT record, suspension from the Institute, and expulsion from the Institute for very serious cases. Please review the Academic Integrity policy and related resources (e.g., working under pressure; how to paraphrase, summarize, and quote; etc.) and contact me if you have any questions about appropriate citation methods, the degree of collaboration that is permitted, or anything else related to the Academic Integrity of this course.