Undergraduate Residential Life
201 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
The Resident Peer Mentor Program gives upperclass students an opportunity to support and create community for incoming first year students. The ideal Peer Mentor is an individual who can draw upon and connect students to resources within the house and across the Institute. Above all, Peer Mentors are role models for other students in their living group and across MIT.
Position Description can be found here.
A Peer Mentor is appointed for a full academic year, and the interview processes are conducted within your residence hall.
The application is here!
Email peermentorinfo@mit.edu with any questions.
The Peer Mentor position varies slightly across each living group. If you have questions about your residence hall's expectations and recruitment process, please contact:
Baker - Rachael Beaumont (rebeau@mit.edu)
Burton Connor - Margaret Patton (mpatton@mit.edu)
MacGregor - Charlie McBurney (mcburney@mit.edu)
Maseeh - Becky Kjaerbye (kjaerbye@mit.edu)
McCormick - Akimmie Parker (akimmiep@mit.edu)
New House - Jas Boyd-Perry (jasbp@mit.edu)
New Vasser - John Ross Campbell (jrcamp@mit.edu)
Next House - Sandra Teixeira (sandramt@mit.edu)
Random- Jacob Oppenheimer (j_opp@mit.edu)
Simmons - Amanda Putnam (apputnam@mit.edu)