Get Trained

Get Trained

Build and improve your dialogue skills

A great way to build dialogue skills is to become a student moderator! Once students complete the SD moderator training, they can propose dialogue topics. Student moderators are compensated for leading a dialogue group.

The next MIT Student Moderator Training is being held January 16 - 19, 2024Register here.


The Sustained Dialogue Institute offers trainings on the Sustained Dialogue method for dialogue, and are free for MIT community members. These trainings are a great way to learn more about the Sustained Dialogue process, as well as improve your dialogue and facilitation skills. 

December 2023 Fridays: Virtual Sustained Dialogue Training

12:30-4:30pm Eastern

December 1, 8, and 15


Winter 2024 Sustained Dialogue Training

Thursdays from 3pm to 4:30pm

Feb. 8 - April 11


For more information on upcoming trainings and how to register, email dialogue [at]