Housing Assignments
First-year students
Upper-level students
Supplemental housing requests
How you choose
If you are entering MIT as a first-year student, you will have the opportunity during Campus Preview Weekend (CPW) to visit various dorms, interact with the residents in every community, and learn as much as possible about your choices. You will find the Residence Halls section of this website helpful in comparing options. Another essential resource is the Guide to Residences website and accompanying “i3" videos, which go live with student-created content each May.
Tell us what you want
During the first-year housing lottery, you will have the opportunity to list your preferences, noting where you’d most like to live—and least like to live. The sophisticated algorithm developed for this process matches student preferences with available housing. The result: students get to live in the residence where they feel happiest and most comfortable.
If you change your mind
If you’re having second thoughts after receiving your housing assignment, you'll have an opportunity during Residence Exploration week (REX) to enter the First Year Residence Exchange (FYRE) and apply for a housing switch before classes start.
Still unsure or looking for a switch after REX? All students currently living on campus, including first-year students, who would like to move to another building should apply for a building-to-building switch.
Upper-level students may reside on campus for eight registered terms (fall and spring) at MIT.
If you are an upper-level student living on campus, you have the opportunity to:
- stay in the residence you lived in the previous year
- enter a housing switch lottery to move to a different building the following fall
- choose to move to a private apartment off campus or to a fraternity, sorority, or independent living group
We understand that our general housing assignment process may not meet the needs of students with distinct housing requirements. If you have specific requirements, we encourage you to submit a supplemental housing request form.