Cancel Your Assignment

Cancelling before the academic year begins
Cancelling during the academic year
Prorating rent

Cancellations before the start of the academic term (Fall/Spring)

  • If you have confirmed your intent to reside in an MIT residence for the upcoming academic term and wish to cancel that assignment, you must notify Housing & Residential Services by submitting an Undergraduate Housing Cancellation Form within the Housing Portal.
  • Fall term cancellations;
    • received after May 15 will be subject to a cancellation fee of $250.00
    • received after June 15 will be subject to a cancellation fee of $350.00
    • received after July 15 will be subject to a cancellation fee of $450.00
  • Spring term cancellations;
    • received after October 31 will be subject to a cancellation fee of $250.00
    • received after November 30 will be subject to a cancellation fee of $350.00
    • received after December 31 will be subject to a cancellation fee of $450.00

Cancellation during the academic year

  • You may cancel spring semester assignments without paying a penalty if you submit your cancellation form by the deadline. For the exact cancellation dates, please visit the Dates and Deadlines section of this site.

  • You will be charged a fee for cancellations occurring during the term in addition to any rent charges that have accrued.

  • Rent for the semester will be prorated to the day that you turn in your keys and check out of your room. (see below)

  • If you cancel your housing assignment or withdraw from MIT, you must move out of your residence.

Prorating rent

  • If you leave the MIT undergraduate housing system or are assigned to undergraduate housing after the start of the term, your rent will be prorated. This means that you pay only for the days during which you are responsible for rent on the unit.

  • Stays of more than two weeks will be prorated over 15 weeks of occupancy. For example, a stay of three weeks would result in a charge of one-fifth of the term rate.

  • No refunds will be paid to students who leave during or after the last week of classes or who are removed from housing for disciplinary reasons.

  • Contact the Housing & Residential Services if you have any questions regarding your housing bill.