Housing & Residential Services

Housing & Residential

Connect with HRS!

We're here for you.

Greetings from Housing & Residential Services (HRS)! Below, please find details about how our team is available to assist you. Whether you’re experiencing a room lockout or have a question about billing— we’ve got you covered!  Please see below for information about how you can connect with our office. 

Please review our Dates & Deadlines for upcoming office closures.

Below, please find details about how you can reach us via email or phone!*  HRS business hours are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm ET, Monday through Friday, excluding Institute Holidays.

Graduate Students

Email: graduatehousing@mit.edu
Tel. (617) 253-5148

Undergraduate Students

Email: residence@mit.edu
Tel. (617) 253-2811 

*We receive thousands of emails a month that are answered by a dedicated staff of about four people. During our normal business hours, we average a response within about a day or two. Peak housing periods may take us a little bit longer. Inboxes are not actively monitored on the weekends. Thank you for your patience if we do not respond in realtime.

Have a housing-related question?  HRS staff are available to answer questions virtually on Zoom every *Tuesday (11:00 am to 12:00 pm ET) and Thursday (2:00 to 3:00 pm ET), excluding Institute Holidays.  Don’t worry, you don’t have to activate your video camera unless you’d like to! 

To join the conversation, please click the link below (MIT credentials required).  No appointment necessary.   

Join HRS Zoom Room

When joining Ask HRS, you will be put into a waiting room. Once staff is available to assist, you will be admitted into the main room and we will connect you with a staff member.

*Please note that Tuesday's Ask HRS start time has been changed.

If you require assistance regarding housing processes, assignments or billing, HRS staff are available to assist both virtually and in-person.  Appointments are encouraged, and requests for an appointment between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm ET may be sent via email by clicking the link below.

Walk-in office hours, which are primarily to support urgent issues, are available Monday through Friday between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm ET in Building W59-200.  


Request an Appointment

Having an issue?  We're here to help!

All non-urgent maintenance requests may be reported online by submitting a service request through the Atlas website by clicking the link below (MIT certificates or credentials required). When creating a new repair request, please ensure to select "Residence" from the available location menu.  Check out this document for instructions on how to submit a service request through Atlas. 

Submit Service Request


Residents who encounter an urgent maintenance request may contact HRS Operations (“Unit-12”) at (617) 253-1500 or 3-1500 from any MIT phone. On evenings, weekends, and holidays, residents may also contact Unit-12 via phone.  We also encourage you to build a relationship with your House Operations Manager, who is integral to the running of your house and is responsible for the operations of the residence. 

In the event of an emergency, please contact MIT Police at (617) 253-1212 or dial 100 from any MIT phone.



Our Mission

Enhancing the living & learning environment at MIT

Housing and Residential Services (HRS) advances the Division of Student Life’s mission, “we are here for students”, by “enhancing the living and learning environment at MIT.” As stewards of the spaces where student live, eat, study, socialize, recreate, and build community, staff of HRS are responsible for ensuring that residences are welcoming, safe, and effectively supporting MIT’s distinctive residential experience.