Welcome to SEABoard
DSL Staff Can Get on Board for SEABoard!
The Staff Engagement Advisory Board (SEABoard) was created early in the 2016-2017 academic year at the request of Vice Chancellor for Student Life Suzy Nelson. Vice Chancellor Nelson charged the group to find ways to increase staff engagement and professional development opportunities. It has been an interesting, active time since then. During its first full year, SEABoard Committees organized 17 events and saw several key initiatives implemented, such as the DSL Diversity & Inclusion mission statement and a June All-Staff Professional Development Conference. This pace has continued since then.
SEABoard is organized into three working committees listed below, plus a steering group composed of the leaders of the three committees. The charges for each committee can be found HERE, and a brief description of each follows:
- Professional Development Committee: Create and implement activities—such as professional development workshops, newsletters, and conferences—to enhance our skills as student life professionals and educators.
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee: Assist in developing a plan for DSL that integrates existing national best practices for institutionalizing diversity, inclusion and equity.
- Social Events & Wellness Committee: Plan and implement social events and wellness activities for the division.
Division of Student Life staff are invited to apply. To do so, please e-mail seaboard@mit.edu, to express your interest and receive the registration form link. The more detailed charges of each committee can be found under the tabs at the top of this page.
No special expertise is required; this is an opportunity for us to work together and learn from each other. Committee members need to commit to attending monthly meetings as well as to work individually and in small groups between meetings. SEABoard requires this commitment of 3-5 hours per month but it is also a lot of fun and you get to work with people from all over DSL. When assigning members to committees, the goal will be to establish a diverse group that represents different perspectives, job roles, and departments within DSL.
The current SEABoard Steering Committee is made up of Co-Chairs from each of the three committees and special advisors:
Professional Development - Sonja Dagbjartsdottir & Heidi Haupt
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Alison Lamothe & Sarah Shute
Social Events & Wellness – Christina English & John Ross Campbell
Steering Committee – Liz Green, Sean Durst, Meagen Cutler, Graham Haskin, Sonja Dagbjartsdottir, Alicja Estabrooks, Michele McCauley