If you’ve ever watched the Winter Olympics, it’s likely you’ve seen the art of curling in action. Whether it’s the stone throwing, vicious sweeping, boisterous yelling, or funky uniforms, together it all makes for a quirky and addictive sport to watch and play.
Audrey Pillsbury has many different identities on campus: she is a musician and composer, she rows for MIT’s Women Openweight Crew team, and she studies chemistry (course 5).
Diversity Undergraduate Student Activities Arts Music Traditions Athletics
“Representing the Skating Club of Boston, please welcome now, Kevin Shum!” says the announcer at the 2018 U.S. Collegiate National Championship in Adrian, Michigan. Shum, wearing a sparkly dark-blue-and-black jumpsuit, begins his free skate performance to “The Sound of Silence” by Disturbed.
MIT AeroAstro graduate student Stewart Isaacs’s entire life has been centered on competitive jump rope. At age five, he and his sister joined their elementary school’s competitive jump rope team.
MIT’s new ENGINEERyourHEALTH PLUS program utilizes recreation to help students find practices to enhance their emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.
Wellness and Support Undergraduate Zesiger Center DAPER Recreation Recreation
Last month, MIT’s Solar Electric Vehicle Team (SEVT) completed their first race in three years: The 2018 American Solar Challenge (ASC). The event was a series of competitions during which the team proved their exceptional talent and problem-solving abilities.