Though Covid-19 is preventing community members from gathering on campus for the annual Awards Convocation celebration, the selection committees today announced the recipients of more than 40 awards typically presented at the celebration.
I hope the start of the semester is going well for you. The Division of Student Life (DSL) is working on many priorities, and I’m writing to share some highlights and important policy updates.
Wellness and Support Housing About DSL Dean for Student Life Policies Dining Graduate
I hope the start of the semester is going well for you. The Division of Student Life (DSL) is working on many priorities, and I’m writing to share some highlights and important policy updates.
Wellness and Support Undergraduate Housing About DSL Dean for Student Life Dining
On May 13, over 300 members of the MIT community gathered in the Samberg Center (E52) to celebrate outstanding achievements by students, student groups, faculty, and community members at the annual MIT Awards Convocation.
Diversity Inclusion Undergraduate Student Groups Leadership Awards Traditions
At the Alpha Phi International Women's Fraternity’s 72nd national Biennial Convention in Tucson, Arizona, MIT’s Zeta Phi chapter won the coveted House Corporation Board of the Year Award for “outstanding facility management,” besting 33 other applicants from Alpha Phi's 170 chapters.