DSL HR Contact Us
We are all available to provide support when you need it, but for ease we have created primary contacts for the following areas:
Sonja Dagbjartsdottir
Director of Human Resources
Email: sonjad@mit.edu, Phone: 617-253-5533
Alicja Estabrooks
HR Manager
DSL Administration and Operations, Housing and Residential Services, and Residential Education
Email: estabroa@mit.edu, Phone: 617-253-1496
Heidi Haupt
Human Resources Business Partner
Diversity & Community Involvement, DAPER, and Student Support and Wellbeing
Email: heidih@mit.edu, Phone: 617-258-0395
Katie Tavares
Senior Human Resource Assistant
Administrative support for DSL HR and General Inquiries
Email: ktavares@mit.edu, Phone: 617-324-6034