Graduate Tower at Site 4

MIT's newest graduate residence.

Frequently Asked Questions 

#1. What’s the address for Graduate Tower at Site 4?

45 Hayward Street (Building E37)
Cambridge, MA 02142

#2. How do I change my mailing address?

You may change your mailing address (and request mail forwarding) through the United States Postal Service (USPS) website and select the specific date that your address will change.   

#3. When will I receive the keys to my new apartment?

You will receive your new keys two days prior to your scheduled move date, and your MIT I.D. will let you into the building and the bike storage area two days prior to your move (or on Friday if you are moving on a Monday or a Tuesday). If you are moving on Monday/Tuesday, your MIT I.D. will provide access on Saturday. We suggest you test your MIT I.D. on the door to E37 before you carry anything over. 

Note: You may contact HRS if you would like to change your scheduled grace period (to go back into Eastgate to retrieve anything they may have left behind) to be two days after your scheduled move date.

#4. Where do I return the keys to my Eastgate apartment?

You should return the keys to your current apartment to the front desk at Eastgate (E55) or drop them in the mail-slot on the House Operations Manager's office door by the end of your scheduled move date.  Residents who opt for a two-day grace period after their move may return their keys at the end of the two-day period.  If you have any questions about returning your keys, please ask the desk worker on duty or email your House Operations Manager, Carla Bengtson, directly.

#5. Are there central storage areas within the Graduate Tower at Site 4?

There are storage areas for strollers ONLY on floors 7-28. On the odd floors, there are two stroller storage areas, and on the even floors, there is one. The storage doors have signage.

#6. Where can I find packing materials?

Packing materials are available on almost every floor of Eastgate Apartments (a full list of these locations will be emailed to you). Materials include boxes, tape, packing paper, bubblewrap, and labels. The movers will bring protective covers for computer monitors and protection for TVs and mattresses on the day of the move.

#7. Will I receive specific labels for my items?

Yes. Moving labels will be color-coded by the floor that you are moving to and will be delivered to each of you directly. If you run out of labels, please let your House Operations Manager, Carla Bengtson, know and she will provide more.

#8. How do I protect fragile belongings?

Packing Paper should be used for most breakable items (i.e., dishes, glasses, small picture frames, etc.). It protects most things as well as bubble wrap does, takes up much less space, and is much more biodegradable. Take packing paper as you need it – please don’t take an entire 25-pound stack of paper. Bubble Wrap should be used for very fragile items. Take bubble wrap as you need it. Please don’t take an entire roll.

#9. What items should be boxed?

Everything that fits into a moving box should be packed into a box. It is ok to use some of your own boxes if you want to. No need to re-box things that are already in boxes as long as the boxes are taped closed or have tops. Things too big (i.e., furniture, standing lamps, TVs, large pictures, etc.) or too fragile (i.e., computer monitors,) should just be labeled and the movers will take care of them on your pre-scheduled move date. The labels are removable so you can take them off after the move (you don’t need to take them off the boxes).

  • Tip: It’s a good idea to count your boxes after you have finished packing. Then you can label the boxes 1 of xx,, 2 of xx, etc. Please count carefully. If you accidentally skip a number we will be looking very hard for a non-existent box.
  • Exception: If you have clothing on hangers in closets, it’s ok to leave them there; moving staff will put them in garment boxes and hang them up again in your new apartment. You can pack them if you want to, but you don’t have to.

#10. Are there any items that I am expected to move myself?

Yes. You will be responsible for moving plants, contents of your fridge/freezer, alcohol, and bicycles that go to the bike storage area in E37. You should also keep valuable items with you such as important papers (i.e., passport), medication, jewelry, and your laptop.

#11. When will movers be arriving to move my belongings?

Closer to your pre-scheduled move date, you will be notified about the approximate time of day movers will arrive at your current apartment. The first move will start at 8:00 am (except Saturday, which is 9:00 am) and the last move depends on how many moves we have on that day. We expect to finish each day no later than 5:00 pm.

#12. Where should I be on my pre-scheduled move day?

Please make sure someone is at your current apartment to meet the movers who will load the truck with items from your apartment and will then deliver the items to your new apartment approximately one hour after loading begins. Please meet the movers in your new apartment to let them in and to be sure large items are placed where you want them.

If you are unable to be on campus during your scheduled move date due to current COVID-19 travel restrictions, please notify Carole Hirsch, who will make individual arrangements with you. 

#13. Can I choose to keep moving boxes after the move?

Yes. You may keep the moving boxes if you want them; otherwise, as you unpack, break the boxes down (untape them) and put them in the hallway. They will be taken away.

#14. What condition should I leave my apartment in Eastgate?

Please leave your apartments “broom clean.” MIT will dispose of or donate any furniture, small appliances, etc. that you leave behind. That means that you have thrown away papers, unwanted kitchen stuff, food, dead plants, etc. and left the apartment as empty as is reasonable.

#15. What if my items are damaged during the move?

If furniture is damaged, we will arrange for repair or replacement. For items you pack yourselves - unless a box has been dropped - the movers are not responsible for breakage. If something boxed is irreplaceable or extremely expensive, please move it yourself.

#16. How do I store my bike at the Graduate Tower at Site 4?

If you need access to the bicycle storage area at Site 4, please be sure your bicycle is registered with the parking office; they are the ones responsible for making sure that your i.d. lets you into the bike storage area.

#17. How do I transfer my parking to Graduate Tower at Site 4?

MIT Parking & Transportation will transfer valid permits to the Site 4 garage for those residents who notified moving staff that they have parking permits. Even though there is currently no charge for parking, if you want access to the parking garage, you are required to have a valid parking permit.